At Slipshoe Street Dental Practise we look to make sure our patients are full aware of how to best prevent dental issues. If you need more info please contact us.
At Slipshoe Street we pride ourselves on helping our patients to maintain and improve their oral health. We put prevention of decay and gum disease as our number one priority for our patients. This can prevent the need for future avoidable treatment. At your dental examination we will ask you a number of questions on your cleaning and dietary habits which we will use to advise you on how to maintain a healthy mouth. Using the most up to date evidence we will provide advice on how to help you prevent and treat these conditions.
At routine check ups we will assess your gums, clean your teeth and provide you with advice on how to brush and clean in between your teeth. Signs of poor gum health can include bleeding, bad breath, recession and movement of teeth. Some patients will be advised to see the hygienist
As soon as teeth erupt in the mouth they need to be looked after. We are proud to support the
Dental Check by One campaign . In accordance with their campaign we advise that children are brought for a check up before their first birthday. Starting early enables your child to feel at ease in the surgery environment. We offer advice on diet, brushing, toothpastes and how to ensure your child has good oral health throughout their life.
Mouth cancer sometimes referred to as oral cancer, is characterised by the development of a tumour growth inside the mouth. A tumour can grow on the tongue, the gums, the lips, the inside of the cheeks, or on the roof of the mouth. If left undetected and untreated, mouth cancer can spread across the mouth or to other parts of the body.
It is vital that you go for mouth cancer screening immediately if you have any ulcers or swellings that have not resolved in two weeks.
At your check up your dentist will inspect your mouth for any signs or symptoms of mouth cancer such as red and white patches, mouth sores, and unexplained lumps and bumps.
For more information please visit
Slipshoe Street Dental Surgery
6 Slipshoe Street,
Reigate, RH2 9HU