At Slipshoe Street Dental Practise we look to make sure our patients are full aware of the detail around Veneers. If you need more info please contact us.
Veneers can greatly improve the appearance of misshapen teeth and those damaged through decay, trauma or discolouration. They can be used alongside orthodontics and teeth whitening to give you the smile you want (see cosmetic dentistry).
Veneers are made from porcelain which comes in varying grades in which the strength and aesthetics differ. We usually recommend Emax for optimal strength and appearance.
Emax is a type of all-ceramic veneer with an appealing translucent colour which is combined with extra strength and durability.
These are mostly used for teeth at the front of the mouth
Veneers require two visits, an appointment for preparation and impressions. One to two weeks later a second visit is made to try-in and fit the veneer
Here at Slipshoe Street we put prevention of disease and maintenance of oral/dental health above all else. This can help prevent the need for treatment.
Slipshoe Street Dental Surgery
6 Slipshoe Street,
Reigate, RH2 9HU